Monday, March 25, 2013

Traveling is about self discovery.

I never knew I enjoyed traveling until I went on exchange last year. To me, traveling provides more life experiences than anything else. You meet with new people, experience crazy things that some people might not belief, but most importantly, you learn things about yourself that you never knew. 

No textbook or university will ever teach you that. 

Traveling taught me so many skills. How to adapt to situations. How to not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. How to appreciate local culture of the city you are in. How to enjoy the moment, and also take time to absorb the rich history of the places we visit. 

Traveling opens you up, in so many ways. It creates memories that will last you a lifetime. I believe that these are the moments that help define who you are. You can find peace atop a mountain, appreciate the finer things in life while watching the sunset. Appreciate how lucky and blessed you are, as you sit in a bus, and watch the sights roll past you. 

Not many people get to travel extensively. I've been blessed. And I hope, that my future, holds much more traveling. 

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