Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Because life is more than just travelling

Lessons of 2013

1. Love yourself, always. No one is going to do it for you.
You have to come first always. Everyone needs alone time, some more than others. Loving and trusting yourself is important. Self doubt will eat you away. Only with self love and respect, will you learn how to forgive yourself for mistakes made, and push past it.

2. It's ok to look back once in a while, and remember the good times. Just don't let it drag you down. 
Remember the good, and the bad. That's what makes the memories real. Learn from the past, don't wallow in it.

3. If you don't know what you're doing, it's fine. Everyone is just as lost as you are.
After graduation, I ended up in the least unlikely field ever. While in your early 20s, take the time to find yourself. Learn along the way. No matter where you land up, there's always something that you can takeaway, file for later.

4. Family and friends are important. Keep those who matter near. 
They may be annoying, but at the end of the day, they are the ones who will make you smile. The ones whom you'll be comfortable with, even if you have not seem them in ages. The ones who will be there, the ones you know deep down that you can count on. We may take them for-granted. Don't.
Don't live life with regrets, with what-ifs.

5. It's okay to fail. You are stronger than you think you are. 
One can fail in so many ways. In school, in life, at work, and in love. Losing someone (Especially to someone else) can break you in so many ways. It's hard when the self-doubt creeps in and you blame yourself. Sometimes you have to realise that it's not entirely your fault. It takes two hands to clap.
Learn from the mistakes, pick yourself up. Push past the pain, the hurt and the tears. You will be reborn, and you will be stronger than before.

It's fine to be tired once in a while. We need to learn to take a step back, and find time for ourselves. And that, is going to be my resolution for the upcoming year. Don't give all of yourself away to friends, family and loved ones. Be selfish. You are important too - at the end of the day, you will need to spare yourself some attention.

Happy New Year all! 
2014, may you be filled with happiness and love. 

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