The past we inherit, the present we create.
One of the cities I visited whilst on exchange was Krakow. My friends really wanted to go to Auschwitz to see how it was like. Prior to going on exchange, I had zero interest in history. But after actually seeing the places you read about in books, and see in movies, it strikes you just how poignant history is. These places not only serve as reminders, so that those horrible episodes will not be forgotten. But they also teach. They teach the present generation to be thankful for what we have. When you're staring at a room full of shoes that used to belong to someone else from the past, someone who had their life ripped away from them, it strikes you deep inside.
I found myself reading more about history after that, learning about the second world war, the cold war and recounts of those who by sheer strength and courage, survived.
And this, is my journey to Auschwitz.