Monday, May 27, 2013

Travelogue - London, England

Without further ado, here's my take on London. Upon descending into London, I was filled with a sense of excitement for several reasons:
1. Football matches
2. British Accents and people speaking English 
3. Musicals! 

London felt strangely familiar to me, despite having never stepped foot on English soil in my whole life. I think it's because Singapore used to be a British colony  so many street names are similar. Even the subway seems familiar and easy to navigate. The weather was picture perfect - which is really rare considering that London is renown for its gloomy weather.  

I love London for the hustle and bustle of city life. It was a definite contrast from the slow pace life I was living in Maastricht, more akin to normal life back home in Singapore. London has so many things to do. I spent about 4 to 5 days there, and still, I was lusting for more. There were so many museums that I wanted to get lost in - wandering around the long hallways, breathing in the past. And majority of the museums offer free entry! I could spend half a day just pondering around in a museum if I had the time to do so. 
Nightly musicals I would have watched if I had an unlimited supply of funds - Les Miserables, Love Never Ends, Singing in the Rain and so many more. I chose to watch Phantom of the Opera, because of its long running history in London, and also because Phantom is one of my favourite musicals. Maybe its because it was the first musical I saw as a child. I got lost in the flow of events, the push and pull of love. The chilling voices that sing the songs to perfection, bringing out goosebumps on my skin. And I had no regrets. The theatre itself was so cozy, the screenplay as glorious as I remember, maybe better - since I am now at an age where I could appreciate the story more. 

London also has so many well-known places of interest. The London-Eye. Big Ben. Tower Bridge. River Thames. Buckingham Palace. Cathedrals. Each structure itself, it a sight to marvel at. Tall, majestic, brimming with history and a past you cannot see. 
And of course. London has its shopping places and lovely food! Gold Mine has mouth watering roast duck and Chinese food. I hadn't had Chinese cuisine in 2 months by the time I went London. Dinner at Gold Mine was a treat indeed. Walk into Harrods without the intention to purchase anything and simply be amazed at everything the store has to offer. If you are a student, several british brands have 10-15% discounts just for you. Shopping places include oxford street, markets and covent gardens. 
The city itself is bustling with night life. Down a drink at a local pub. Catch a musical and spend a few hours engrossed in an alternate storyline that is not your life. Head down to covent garden to catch some buskers in action - they are really good. Be prepared to part with a few quarters or pounds. 
London has so much to offer. It's a subtle mix of modern and the past. It's a city that I can see myself going back to in a few years. There are certainly more places and sights that I want to take in. 

The only gripe I had about London was that there are times when it can get very crowded and feel a little too overwhelming and touristy. 

Until we meet again, London. 

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