Thursday, May 16, 2013

Traveling with friends.

Over the past few years, I've come to realise that traveling with friends can be tricky. It's hard to adapt to different traveling styles, especially when you are so used to your own. It's even harder to find someone with a similar travel style to you.

I am one person who can do without a plan, but horribly anal about meeting plane or other transport times. Other than that, I'm pretty adaptable. I'm the kind of traveler who knows what I want to get out of a place, and I'll be able to work out a plan once in the country, as long as I have internet access.

Then there are those who need to have every single detailed worked out to a t. There are also those who are chill, and want to take their own time to see the sights, and it doesn't matter if they accomplish much, as long as they have fun.

Everyone has developed their own travel style, whether they know it or not. Traveling with different groups of people is never easy, especially when everyone wants something different out of the experience, or when one is unenthusiastic. It's just difficult.

I've never traveled alone, and it's something that I will definitely want to do one day. Being a girl, I've got to let my mom let me go, and not worry so much. Hopefully I'll be able to do this in the near future. I'll start with a country when I am able to speak the local language.

There are friends whom I travel well with, because we're so used to each other. And friends whom I can only travel with for a few days or go on with a certain type of holiday. There was this friend, who I developed a strong rapport with - our traveling style worked in sync, and was almost like second nature. Unfortunately, that friendship is gone (another long story for another time), and I can only hope to find someone whom I can travel so comfortably and with such ease again.

It really makes the whole traveling experience different when you travel with someone who has the same interests, is able to look out for you and vice versa, and knows you well enough. Till then, I guess I'm searching for a travel buddy to take the world on with.

Apologies for the rant. I just miss sharing traveling experiences with that someone, and I'm kinda stuck in a rut now.

As much as I love traveling, there's no place like home. A little less than 24 hours before I see my family again. :)

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